The Society for Exact Philosophy
The Society for Exact Philosophy is an international scholarly association, founded in 1970, to provide sustained discussion among researchers who believe that rigorous methods have a place in philosophical investigations. To this end, the Society meets annually, alternating between locations in Canada and the U.S.
The membership of the Society is predominantly academic philosophers from Canada and the U.S., but with a membership of over 450 scholars, spanning over 20 countries, the S.E.P. includes many researchers in linguistics, cognitive science, logic & mathematics, computer science, as well as history of science, economics, law, psychology, and education.
What is the Society for Exact Philosophy?
Purpose: To provide sustained discussion among researchers who believe that rigorous methods have a place in philosophical investigations.
Activities: The Society meets annually, alternating between Canada and the U.S.
Membership requirements: Payment of annual dues.
Dues: $5 (Canadian or U.S.).
Becoming a Member of the Society
To join the Society, you must do two things:
1) New members should send the following information (as appropriate) to the Secretary: name, email address, affiliation, mailing address; also, optionally, your web address. New members will be placed on our (low volume) SEP announcements email list.
2) Make an inaugural dues payment when the time comes. New applicants are made provisional members, pending inaugural dues payment during the regular annual dues cycle -- in summer/fall each year.
If you have questions, feel free to inquire.
Previous Meetings

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